My name is Isaac Smith and I am from Raleigh, NC. I graduated from NC State with a BS in Sports Management and a minor in Sports Science. I first got into competing through powerlifting when I realized I had a pretty decent deadlift. Four meets later and after training at Spider Strength Gym, I let Scott Compton talk me into competing in strongman and I made my debut in 2017 at NC Strongest.
After winning novice <200, I then went on to qualify for SMC nationals a couple months later and would compete in Vegas against some of the nation's best amateur middle weight men. Shortly after, I also had the opportunity to compete in the u90kg division at WSM in December of 2017 and the Arnold Amateur Strongman Championship of March of 2018.
My main goal is to eventually gain enough weight to fill out the MW class and continue to compete against, and learn from world class athletes at high level shows. Strongman has allowed me to travel to places that I otherwise probable never would have, and meet some of the best people ever!
Career Highlights
Arnold Amateur Strongman Championship
OSG - WSM u90
SMC Nationals
11th <200
Rumble in the Jungle
1st <200
NC Strongest Man & Woman
1st Novice <200
Personal Stats
Ike ; Ikenstein
Weight Class
MW <231
North Carolina
Current Residence
North Carolina
Training Facility
Spider Strength Gym
Barbell Stats
650 lbs
440 lbs
Front Squat
335 lbs
Bench Press
315 lbs
Overhead Press
200 lbs
Push Jerk
285 lbs
? lbs
Strongman Stats
Atlas Stone
345 lbs to 52"
Tire Flip
? lbs
Yoke Carry
800 lbs for 40'
Farmers Walk
325 lbs x 40'
Frame Carry
650 lbs x 50'
Frame Deadlift
720 lbs x 11
350 lbs x 300'
Log Clean & Press
285 lbs
Circus Dumbbell
175 lbs
Keg Press
240 lbs