2017 Official Strongman Games - Masters Finals
Results are Posted

December 16th & 17th, 2017
Dorton Arena
1025 Blue Ridge Rd
Raleigh, NC 27607
We’re on Facebook!
For More Info, Contact:
Lynn Morehouse
(919) 389-2270
Spectator Tickets
Join us at Dorton Arena and watch all of the strongest men and women in the world compete for their World's Strongest titles!
Get the best seats in the house! Helping on the event floor! We offer free T-Shirt and some food in exchange for your help. All volunteers are here because they love Strongman!
Live Streaming
Watch the contest from anywhere! Starting 12/16/2017 at 9:00am ET.
Events - Day 1
Log Clean & Press - Last Man Standing
(30 seconds per attempt)
Last man standing. Jump in and jump out. Fail an attempt and you are out.12" Log. Must control log down. No dropping from overhead.
Log starts at 265 lbs and rises in 20 lb jumps.
Yoke Carry
(60 seconds)50ft.
Unlimited Drops. Time penalty for sliding.
1,000 lb Yoke
Unlimited Drops. Time penalty for sliding.
1,000 lb Yoke
Car Deadlift for Reps
(60 seconds)
No suits. Straps allowed. Side Handle. Up and Down commands.
Heavy Jeep (or comparable)
Carry Medley
(60 seconds)
Frame Carry + Húsafell + Sandbag Carry50ft each. (no running back... next implement is at previous finish line)
No straps on Frame. No gloves on frame.
800 lb Frame
375 lb Húsafell
300 lb Sandbag
Events - Day 2 <---top 10 athletes only
Truck Pull
(60 seconds)
50ft pull with harness and rope.59,000 lb Semi Truck(or comparable)
Atlas Stone Series
(60 seconds)
6 stones. Tacky allowed.Platforms: 60", 58", 56", 54", 52", 50"
300 lb, 325 lb, 350 lb, 375 lb, 400 lb, 425 lb Stones
(We are in need of good sponsors. We will promote any individual or business that will support the show with money, time, or equipment)